
"OK, send that to our cad guy!"

Ron Thompson
CAD guy.

Certified Solidworks Associate
(Click above to view certificate)

Email or call with questions, suggestions or to get a quote.
I want your business!

Titusville, Florida
(321) 289-0655

Fusion 360 3D Models
Parts and assemblies
AutoCAD 2D Drawings
Site plans, elevation views, submittal packages, as builts, shop drawings, with or without cover sheets.

We do it to your specs.

G-code generation (CNC Programing)
Small parts made in our shop on CNC and manual machine tools.
Prototype, short run or production.

Inventing? I can save you money with solid modeling. Find the problems before you prototype!

As always, your confidentiality is assured. We won't share your information with anyone without your consent. Non-disclosure agreements are honored to the letter.

Why outsource your CAD?

How to save money when you outsource your CAD.

Click on an image below for a full sized view:

Click here to see more Fusion 360 screen shots.